I. Genealogical articles about the families Enneper und Moll

II. Professor Alfred Enneper (in German)

III. Postcards:
Enneper, Halver, Iserlohn

IV. Contact

V. Links


WEBCounter by GOWEB

WEBCounter by GOWEB




Welcome to
Otto & Ingrid (née Moll) Enneper's family research site

(updated August 18th, 2014)

German version
english version

I am working on family history for many years. I am researching above all the history of the families Enneper  and  Moll. Three towns in Germany ( the region  “North – Rhine – Westfalia , NRW) Halver  (Enneper) and  Solingen, Wetter  (Moll) are important for family history.

You will find the most important dates in the family – trees or the lists. For further question don't hesitate to email.
In the German version of my homepage I present more Postcards, several documents and some articles I wrote (in German, of course).

  If there are any questions, completions or corrections: please mail!

Otto Enneper

last changes:

- 8.18.2014 : added ancestor and descendant list for Wilhelm Johann Enneper at the articles page

- 6.6.2014 : added information about the name "Enneper" in the USA on the articles-page

- 1.12.2011 :  starting the English Version of the homepage